10 Fun and Nostalgic Gifts Just for You

10 Fun and Nostalgic Gifts Just for You

An article for Psycom.net    Remembering the past can spark joy and help us feel calm and connected. Treat yourself to a walk down memory lane (we dare you not to smile) with these ’80s and ’90s-themed goodies that bring all the feels. Read the Entire Article on...
The Santa Scheme: How I Kept the Magic Alive for Another Year

The Santa Scheme: How I Kept the Magic Alive for Another Year

“Mommy, the internet said Santa is fake,” my eight-year-old child cried over the phone as I drove back from my teenager’s soccer game late last year. Apparently, a quick Google search had yielded the answer: “As adults, we know Santa Claus isn’t real, but many...
I’m not ready for my Jewish child to stop believing in Santa

I’m not ready for my Jewish child to stop believing in Santa

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet,” I said. “There’s misinformation out there.” I typed Loch Ness Monster into her iPad search bar and flaunted the results. “See? Supporting evidence about Nessie’s existence either way.” She wiped her tears. “Is Santa...
Our Family’s Interfaith Break-Fast Features Bagels and Lasagna

Our Family’s Interfaith Break-Fast Features Bagels and Lasagna

CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE ON KVELLER “Happy Yom Kippur!” my mom shouted on speakerphone to my fiancé and his family. “Thank you,” they said. “Mom, Yom Kippur isn’t really happy,” I explained. We were staying at my future in-laws’ Long Island home, and everyone...
How to Explain the Passover Story to Kids

How to Explain the Passover Story to Kids

As the Catholic half of a Judeo-Christian interfaith couple, I learned a lot about Passover from my late mother-in-law because Passover’s themes held great significance for her. As an educator and a feminist, she taught me that anyone can find relevance in this...