Holly Rizzuto Palker
Holly is an award-winning writer and journalist, an editor at Literary Mama, a host of the podcast, This Mama is Lit!, a board member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), a former freelance editor at Your Teen Magazine and a mom. She enjoys acting and stand-up comedy.
As a freelance writer, her passion lies in parenting and interfaith family relationships, although she also writes about a broad range of other topics.
Her essays and articles appear in Parents, The New York Daily News, The Independent, Newsday, Literary Mama, Kveller, Huffington Post, Your Teen Magazine, Psycom, and more.




It’s Too Important to Stay Quiet: A Conversation with Jennifer Weiner for Literary Mama
When Jennifer Weiner’s face popped up on Zoom for our scheduled interview, my inner fangirl screamed. Weiner chuckled and then apologized to me for having rescheduled our appointment. Her down-to-earth honesty drove the conversation. Although Weiner is a prolific and...
We’re All Stretch Armstrong Dolls: A Conversation with Jessica Grose
I was compelled to read Jessica Grose’s Screaming on the Inside: The Unsustainability of American Motherhood (Mariner, 2022) based on the title alone. As an American mother who raised young children in the United Kingdom for four years, I couldn’t put my finger on the...
Was I the Worst Mother Ever?
An article for Psycom.net. Summer camp had just begun, and it was the first hot day of the year. The air outside looked wavy. I strapped my baby daughter into her car seat and kissed her chubby cheeks. Chelsea was impish and just shy of one year. She looked up at me...